Technical Features

  • Low Latency & Fast Finality: Conla’s L2 blocks are continuously generated without being affected by provers, ensuring rapid transaction finality and uninterrupted operations.

  • Seamless UX: Conla will release a self-developed AA bundler & wallet. With intuitive user interfaces and streamlined onboarding processes, Conla prioritizes usability, ensuring a seamless experience for both developers and end-users.

  • Advanced ZK Tech: The underlying structure of Conla's zk rollup layer greatly enhances the scalability of the network. By leveraging a sovereign rollup design and being built on TON, Conla facilitates fast transaction processing with minimal fees, paving the path for broad adoption.

  • Type 2 zkEVM: Conla utilizes zkEVM, developed based on reth. which enables smooth integration with established Ethereum tools and the Solidity programming language. This ensures that developers can effortlessly migrate and develop decentralized applications (dApps) across various blockchains, promoting interoperability across the ecosystem.

  • Trust-minimized Bridging: Conla can take advantage of the trust-minimized nature of settlement layers where tokens can easily be transferred between rollups and the settlement layer. Since zk-proofs can be aggregated, rollups will be able to maintain as many bridges as they want at minimal cost. Off-chain relayers can aggregate the proofs of all the peer rollups into a single proof, and just that single proof can be verified on chain. And since state transitions are proven to be valid, there will be no need to pay fees to a liquidity provider or wait a week for transactions to finalize

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